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![RSI MA Perfect Combination](
// Excuse my English. Text is write for programme PC TRANSLATOR.This indicator
// not given clear purchase and selling signals. Signals is necessary take
// only like possible turning point. Already long time investigation different
// indicator and get I am to findings, that movement stock isn't forward
// possible estimate along none of they.Beyond even any share go up and no go
// down, as long as oneself near she there were no signal indicator. Growth
// stock is that is dependent only for mood investors and stag and for her no
// indicator there's not.
// Indicator show only possible turning point. It if turn faces to turn trend,
// correction and or go about false signal can be find out only by return.
// Nevertheless yourself I think, that is important indicator track.
// Experience oneself that is appreciation signal value do good and as far as
// have you in addition needed dues luck, you can drive a good bargain.
// Indicator: This indicator work with very short RSI, long SSO and simple
// moving average. RSI be instrumental to conciliation signals. STOCHASTIC is
// there together with moving average take like indicator trend. Below graph
// are band which reflect signals and trend along SMA.
// 1.Band : Common signals RSI and SSO (have not major weight than independent
// signal from RSI)
// 2.Band : Signals RSI
// 3.Band : Signals SSO
// 4.Band : Trend along MA ( green light = weak bullish trend, green = strong
// bullish trend, light red % = weak bear trend -possible turnover bullish
// trend for bear, red = strong bear trend )
// Isn't right in trades ranges.
// PS : According to the of my is needless look for perfect strategy because
// simply any there's not. To good deals faces only experienced eye, good
// smell , arrogance and self-assured. If those so it has not been, no live
// would businessmen in stress and it has not been would from broker firm
// leakage. Hope that by means of these indicator, and isn't necessary use
// just me election indices, you can get good eye, It the others is for you.
// God preserve madman, who oneself decision make money for exchange.
// !!!Scaling: CUSTOM -40 and 110; Gird lines 50 !!!
//!!!Scaling: CUSTOM -40 and 110; Gird lines 50 !!!
TI = 3 ; TS = 10 ; // Délka RSI (long for RSI and MA RSI)
D3 = 50 ; // SSO (long for SSO)
//_________Graf 1___________________________________________________________________
IND = RSI ( TI ) ; SIG = MA ( RSI ( TI ) , TS ) ;
IND2 = StochK(D3); SIG2 = StochD(D3);
//==================== Buy conditionsNákupnà podmÃnky (Buy conditions)==============
//________ Ke grafu 1_______________________________________________________________
BP = Cross ( IND , SIG ); // Nákup RSI Buy RSI
BP2 = Cross ( IND2 , SIG2 ); // Nákup SSO Buy SSO
SP = Cross ( SIG , IND ); // Prodej RSI Sell RSI
SP2 = Cross ( SIG2 , IND2 ); // Prodej RSI Sell SSO
B = BP AND BP2; // Nákup RSI + SSO Buy RSI + SSO
S = SP AND SP2; // Prodej RSI + SSO Sell RSI + SSO
//________ TREND podle MA(C,20) ____________________________________________________
F1 = 5 ; // Délka krátkého MA Long for short MA
F2 = 20 ; // Délka dlouhého MA Long for long MA
TM = MA ( C , F1 ) ; // 5 dennà MA ze záverecné ceny
TM2 = MA ( C , F2 ) ; // 20 dennà MA ze záverecné ceny
UTM = IIf(C>TM AND C<TM2,8,IIf(C>TM AND C>TM2,5,IIf(C<TM AND C>TM2,13,IIf(C<TM AND C<TM2,4,2)))); // Klasifikace sÃly trendu
//________ GRAF ____________________________________________________________________
Graph0 = IND ; Graph0Color = 6 ; Graph0Style = 8 ; //Indikátor RSI
Graph1 = SIG ; Graph1Color = 4 ; Graph1Style = 1 ; //Signál RSI
Graph2 = IND2 ; Graph2Color = 8 ; Graph2Style = 4 ; //Indikátor SSO
Graph3 = SIG2 ; Graph3Color = 7 ; Graph3Style = 4 ; //Signál SSO
Graph4 = 30 ; Graph4Color = 0 ; Graph4Style = 4 ; //Pásmo preprodanosti RSI
Graph5 = 70 ; Graph5Color = 0 ; Graph5Style = 4 ; //Pásmo prekoupenosti RSI
Graph6 = 20 ; Graph6Color = 0 ; Graph6Style = 4 ; //Pásmo preprodanosti SSO
Graph7 = 80 ; Graph7Color = 0 ; Graph7Style = 4 ; //Pásmo prekoupenosti SSO
//________ PÃSY ____________________________________________________________________
Graph50 = -10 ; Graph50Style = 4+2 ; Graph50BarColor = IIf(B,5,IIf(S,4,1));
Graph51 = -20 ; Graph51Style = 4+2 ; Graph51BarColor = IIf(BP,5,IIf(SP,4,2));
Graph52 = -30 ; Graph52Style = 4+2 ; Graph52BarColor = IIf(BP2,5,IIf(SP2,4,2));
Graph53 = -40 ; Graph53Style = 4+2 ; Graph53BarColor = UTM;
//________ Rozdìlenà pásù __________________________________________________________
Graph10 = 0 ; Graph10Style = 4; Graph10Color = 1; //Rozdelenà pásu
Graph11 = -10 ; Graph11Style = 4; Graph11Color = 1; //Rozdelenà pásu
Graph12 = -20 ; Graph12Style = 4; Graph12Color = 1; //Rozdelenà pásu
Graph13 = -30 ; Graph13Style = 4; Graph13Color = 1; //Rozdelenà pásu
Graph14 = -40 ; Graph14Style = 4; Graph14Color = 1; //Rozdelenà pásu
//________ Probarvenà pásu _________________________________________________________
Graph150 = -1 ;Graph150Style = 4 ; Graph150color=1;
Graph151 = -2 ;Graph151Style = 4 ; Graph151color=1;
Graph152 = -3 ;Graph152Style = 4 ; Graph152color=1;
Graph153 = -4 ;Graph153Style = 4 ; Graph153color=1;
Graph154 = -5 ;Graph154Style = 4 ; Graph154color=1;
Graph155 = -6 ;Graph155Style = 4 ; Graph155color=1;
Graph156 = -7 ;Graph156Style = 4 ; Graph156color=1;
Graph157 = -8 ;Graph157Style = 4 ; Graph157color=1;
Graph158 = -9 ;Graph158Style = 4 ; Graph158Color=1;
Graph160 = -30 ;Graph160Style = 4 ; Graph160Barcolor=UTM;
Graph161 = -31 ;Graph161Style = 4 ; Graph161Barcolor=UTM;
Graph162 = -32 ;Graph162Style = 4 ; Graph162Barcolor=UTM;
Graph163 = -33 ;Graph163Style = 4 ; Graph163Barcolor=UTM;
Graph164 = -34 ;Graph164Style = 4 ; Graph164Barcolor=UTM;
Graph165 = -35 ;Graph165Style = 4 ; Graph165Barcolor=UTM;
Graph166 = -36 ;Graph166Style = 4 ; Graph166Barcolor=UTM;
Graph167 = -37 ;Graph167Style = 4 ; Graph167Barcolor=UTM;
Graph168 = -38 ;Graph168Style = 4 ; Graph168BarColor=UTM;
Graph169 = -39 ;Graph169Style = 4 ; Graph169BarColor=UTM;
Title=" COMBO - GRAFY:1=RSI("+WriteVal(TI,format=1.0)+","+WriteVal(TS,format=1.0)+")"
+" 2=SSO("+WriteVal(D3,format=1.0)+")"
+" PSY: 1=RSI+SSO 2=RSI 3=SSO 4=Trend MA(C,"+WriteVal(F1,format=1.0)+"/"+WriteVal(F2,format=1.0)+") ";
Filter= BP;
TB = C > MA(C,20);
Column0 = BP ; Column0Name = "SIGNAL RSI" ; Column0Format = 1.0 ;
Column1 = TB ; Column1Name = "TREND BULL" ; Column1Format = 1.0 ;
Column2 = C ; Column2Name = "CLOSE" ; Column2Format = 1.2 ;
TI = 3 ; TS = 10 ; // Délka
D3 = 50 ; // SSO
//_________Graf 1___________________________________________________________________
IND = RSI ( TI ) ; SIG = MA ( RSI ( TI ) , TS ) ;
IND2 = StochK(D3); SIG2 = StochD(D3);
//==================== Nákupnà podmÃnky ============================================
//________ Ke grafu 1_______________________________________________________________
BP = Cross ( IND , SIG ); // Nákup RSI
BP2 = Cross ( IND2 , SIG2 ); // Nákup SSO
SP = Cross ( SIG , IND ); // Prodej RSI
SP2 = Cross ( SIG2 , IND2 ); // Prodej RSI
B = BP AND BP2; // Nákup RSI + SSO
S = SP AND SP2; // Prodej RSI + SSO
//________ TREND podle MA(C,20) ____________________________________________________
F1 = 5 ; // Délka krátkého MA
F2 = 20 ; // Délka dlouhého MA
TM = MA ( C , F1 ) ; // 5 dennà MA ze záverecné ceny
TM2 = MA ( C , F2 ) ; // 20 dennà MA ze záverecné ceny
UTM = IIf(C>TM AND C<TM2,8,IIf(C>TM AND C>TM2,5,IIf(C<TM AND C>TM2,13,IIf(C<TM AND C<TM2,4,2)))); // Klasifikace sÃly trendu
//________ GRAF ____________________________________________________________________
Graph0 = IND ; Graph0Color = 6 ; Graph0Style = 8 ; //Indikátor RSI
Graph1 = SIG ; Graph1Color = 4 ; Graph1Style = 1 ; //Signál RSI
Graph2 = IND2 ; Graph2Color = 8 ; Graph2Style = 4 ; //Indikátor SSO
Graph3 = SIG2 ; Graph3Color = 15 ; Graph3Style = 4 ; //Signál SSO
Graph4 = 30 ; Graph4Color = 0 ; Graph4Style = 4 ; //Pásmo preprodanosti RSI
Graph5 = 70 ; Graph5Color = 0 ; Graph5Style = 4 ; //Pásmo prekoupenosti RSI
Graph6 = 20 ; Graph6Color = 0 ; Graph6Style = 4 ; //Pásmo preprodanosti SSO
Graph7 = 80 ; Graph7Color = 0 ; Graph7Style = 4 ; //Pásmo prekoupenosti SSO
//________ PÃSY ____________________________________________________________________
Graph50 = -10 ; Graph50Style = 4+2 ; Graph50BarColor = IIf(B,5,IIf(S,4,1));
Graph51 = -20 ; Graph51Style = 4+2 ; Graph51BarColor = IIf(BP,5,IIf(SP,4,2));
Graph52 = -30 ; Graph52Style = 4+2 ; Graph52BarColor = IIf(BP2,5,IIf(SP2,4,2));
Graph53 = -40 ; Graph53Style = 4+2 ; Graph53BarColor = UTM;
//________ Rozdìlenà pásù __________________________________________________________
Graph10 = 0 ; Graph10Style = 4; Graph10Color = 1; //Rozdelenà pásu
Graph11 = -10 ; Graph11Style = 4; Graph11Color = 1; //Rozdelenà pásu
Graph12 = -20 ; Graph12Style = 4; Graph12Color = 1; //Rozdelenà pásu
Graph13 = -30 ; Graph13Style = 4; Graph13Color = 1; //Rozdelenà pásu
Graph14 = -40 ; Graph14Style = 4; Graph14Color = 1; //Rozdelenà pásu
//________ Probarvenà pásu _________________________________________________________
Graph150 = -1 ;Graph150Style = 4 ; Graph150color=1;
Graph151 = -2 ;Graph151Style = 4 ; Graph151color=1;
Graph152 = -3 ;Graph152Style = 4 ; Graph152color=1;
Graph153 = -4 ;Graph153Style = 4 ; Graph153color=1;
Graph154 = -5 ;Graph154Style = 4 ; Graph154color=1;
Graph155 = -6 ;Graph155Style = 4 ; Graph155color=1;
Graph156 = -7 ;Graph156Style = 4 ; Graph156color=1;
Graph157 = -8 ;Graph157Style = 4 ; Graph157color=1;
Graph158 = -9 ;Graph158Style = 4 ; Graph158Color=1;
Graph160 = -30 ;Graph160Style = 4 ; Graph160Barcolor=UTM;
Graph161 = -31 ;Graph161Style = 4 ; Graph161Barcolor=UTM;
Graph162 = -32 ;Graph162Style = 4 ; Graph162Barcolor=UTM;
Graph163 = -33 ;Graph163Style = 4 ; Graph163Barcolor=UTM;
Graph164 = -34 ;Graph164Style = 4 ; Graph164Barcolor=UTM;
Graph165 = -35 ;Graph165Style = 4 ; Graph165Barcolor=UTM;
Graph166 = -36 ;Graph166Style = 4 ; Graph166Barcolor=UTM;
Graph167 = -37 ;Graph167Style = 4 ; Graph167Barcolor=UTM;
Graph168 = -38 ;Graph168Style = 4 ; Graph168BarColor=UTM;
Graph169 = -39 ;Graph169Style = 4 ; Graph169BarColor=UTM;
Title=" COMBO - GRAFY:1=RSI("+WriteVal(TI,format=1.0)+","+WriteVal(TS,format=1.0)+")"
+" 2=SSO("+WriteVal(D3,format=1.0)+")"
+" PSY: 1=RSI+SSO 2=RSI 3=SSO 4=Trend MA(C,"+WriteVal(F1,format=1.0)+"/"+WriteVal(F2,format=1.0)+") ";
Filter= BP;
TB = C > MA(C,20);
Column0 = BP ; Column0Name = "SIGNAL RSI" ; Column0Format = 1.0 ;
Column1 = TB ; Column1Name = "TREND BULL" ; Column1Format = 1.0 ;
Column2 = C ; Column2Name = "CLOSE" ; Column2Format = 1.2 ;