
All In One Pivot Trading - Amibroker AFL Code

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All In One Pivot Trading


pivotCalc = ParamList("Pivot Calculation", "Suryo|FB", 0);
rulesSuryo=ParamList("Suryo Rules","Enable|Disable",0);
rulesFB=ParamList("FB Rules","Enable|Disable",1);
rulesGado2=ParamList("Gado-Gado Rules","Enable|Disable",1);
speculativeBuyArrow=ParamList("Speculative Buy Arrow","Enable|Disable",1);
buyArrow=ParamList("Buy Arrow","Enable|Disable",0);
sellArrow=ParamList("Sell Arrow","Enable|Disable",0);
nPivot = Param("Jumlah Tangga Merah", 1, 1, 20);
pivotUpColor=ParamColor("Pivot Up Color", colorGreen );
pivotDownColor=ParamColor("Pivot Down Color", colorRed );
arrowSuryoColor=ParamColor("Arrow Suryo Color", colorRed );
arrowFBColor=ParamColor("Arrow FB Color", colorBlue );
arrowGado2Color=ParamColor("Arrow Gado-Gado Color", colorGreen );


Plot(C,"C",colorBlack,styleCandle); //Plot bar harga

if(pivotCalc == "Suryo")//Kalau Pivot Calculation: Suryo
// tentukan Pivot berdasarkan data kemarin
P = (H+L+C) / 3;
else //Kalau Pivot Calculation: FB
// tentukan Pivot berdasarkan data kemarin
// asumsi C=O, define P
P =(H+L+2*C)/4;
// if  C>O define new P, otherwise use P above
P = IIf(C>O,(2*H+L+C)/4, P);
// if  C<O define new P, otherwise use P above
P = IIf(C<O,(H+2*L+C)/4, P);
};//end PivotCalc

//berapa tangga merah sebelum boleh ada sinyal beli?
for( i = 0; i < nPivot; i++ ) 
tanggaMerah= Ref(P,-1*i-1) <Ref(P,-1*i-2) AND tanggaMerah;
} ;//end berapa tangga merah sebelum boleh ada sinyal beli

//Hitung S dan R
R1= (P * 2) - L;
S1= (P * 2) - H;
R2 = P + (R1 - S1); // P + (H - L)
S2 = P - (R1 - S1); // P - (H - L)
R3 = H + 2*(P - L);
S3 = L - 2*(H - P);

//Plot SRP
Plot(P,"P",IIf( Ref(p,0)>Ref(p,-1), pivotUpColor, pivotDownColor ), styleStaircase,0,0,Displace);

if (rulesSuryo=="Enable") //Suryo Rules
// SPECULATIVE BUY Suryo jika:
// 1. Pivot hari ini lebih kecil dari pivot kemarin (pivot merah)
// 2. Low hari ini lebih besar dari Pivot hari ini (harga sampai close selalu bergerak di atas pivot)
// 3. Low hari ini lebih besar atau sama dengan dari Low kemarin
// tambahan untuk STRONG BUY Suryo:
// 4. High hari ini lebih besar dari High kemarin
// 5. Close hari ini lebih besar dari Close kemarin
// SELL Suryo jika:
// 1. Pivot hari ini lebih besar dari Pivot kemarin (pivot hijau)
// 2. High hari ini lebih kecil dari Pivot hari ini(harga sampai close selalu bergerak di bawah pivot)
// 3. Low hari ini lebih rendah dari Low kemarin

specBuySuryo= tanggaMerah AND L>Ref(P,-1) AND L>=Ref(L,-1);
BuySuryo=  specBuySuryo AND H>Ref(H,-1) AND C>Ref(C,-1);
SellSuryo= Ref(P,-1)>Ref(P,-2) AND H<Ref(P,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1);
//Lets plot buy sell signal
if (speculativeBuyArrow=="Enable") PlotShapes(IIf(specBuySuryo, shapeHollowUpArrow , shapeNone), arrowSuryoColor, 0, Low, Offset=-50);
if (buyArrow=="Enable") PlotShapes(IIf(BuySuryo, shapeUpArrow , shapeNone), arrowSuryoColor, 0, Low, Offset=-50);
if (sellArrow=="Enable") PlotShapes(IIf(SellSuryo, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone), arrowSuryoColor, 0,High, Offset=-50);
};//end Suryo Rules

if (rulesFB=="Enable") //Rules FB
// 1. Pivot hari ini lebih kecil dari pivot kemarin (pivot merah)
// 2. Close hari ini lebih besar dari Pivot hari ini 
// 3. Low hari ini lebih besar atau sama dengan Low kemarin
// tambahan untuk STRONG BUY FB:
// 4. High hari ini lebih besar dari High kemarin
// 5. Close hari ini lebih besar dari Close kemarin
// SELL FB jika:
// 1. Pivot hari ini lebih besar dari Pivot kemarin (pivot hijau)
// 2. Close hari ini lebih kecil dari Pivot hari ini
// 3. Low hari ini lebih rendah dari Low kemarin
specBuyFB= tanggaMerah AND C>Ref(P,-1) AND L>=Ref(L,-1);
BuyFB=  specBuyFB AND H>Ref(H,-1) AND C>Ref(C,-1);
SellFB= Ref(P,-1)>Ref(P,-2) AND C<Ref(P,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1);
//Lets plot buy sell signal
if (speculativeBuyArrow=="Enable") PlotShapes(IIf(specBuyFB, shapeHollowUpArrow , shapeNone), arrowFBColor, 0, Low, Offset=-60);
if (buyArrow=="Enable") PlotShapes(IIf(BuyFB, shapeUpArrow , shapeNone), arrowFBColor, 0, Low, Offset=-60);
if (sellArrow=="Enable") PlotShapes(IIf(SellFB, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone), arrowFBColor, 0,High, Offset=-60);
};//end Rules FB

if (rulesGado2=="Enable") //Rules Gado-Gado
//1. kemarin tangga merah 
//2. close kemarin <=pivot kemarin 
//3. Low hari ini >=low kemarin (sama dengan suryo pivot trading)
//4. Close hari ini > Pivot hari ini (sama dengan FB Pivot Trading)
//5. Hari ini white candle (Open < Close)
specBuyGado2= Ref(tanggaMerah,-1) AND Ref(C,-1)<=Ref(P,-2) AND L>=Ref(L,-1) AND C>=Ref(P,-1) AND O<C;
BuyGado2=  specBuyGado2 AND H>Ref(H,-1) AND C>Ref(C,-1);
SellGado2= Ref(P,-1)>Ref(P,-2) AND H<Ref(P,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1);
//Lets plot buy sell signal
if (speculativeBuyArrow=="Enable") PlotShapes(IIf(specBuyGado2, shapeHollowUpArrow , shapeNone), arrowGado2Color, 0, Low, Offset=-70);
if (buyArrow=="Enable")PlotShapes(IIf(BuyGado2, shapeUpArrow , shapeNone), arrowGado2Color, 0, Low, Offset=-70);
if (sellArrow=="Enable") PlotShapes(IIf(SellGado2, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone), arrowGado2Color, 0,High, Offset=-70);
};//end Rules Gado-Gado

function selip(besar,kecil,tengah,text) //untuk menyelipkan nilai array antara PSR dan akan ditulis bersama Title
   result=WriteIf (tengah<Ref(besar,-1) AND tengah>Ref(kecil,-1), EncodeColor(colorBlack) + "\n" + text +"   = " + tengah , "");
   return result; 
} ;//end function

function sama(Value1,Value2,text) //untuk nilai array yang sama dengan PSR dan akan ditulis bersama title
   result=WriteIf (Value2==Ref(Value1,-1), EncodeColor(colorBlack) + " = " +text,"");
   return result; 
} //end function

//Tulis title vertical

R3R2 = selip(R3,R2,C,"C");
R2R1 = selip(R2,R1,C,"C");
R1P= selip(R1,P,C,"C");
PS1 = selip(P,S1,C,"C");
S1S2 = selip(S1,S2,C,"C");
S2S3 = selip(S2,S3,C,"C");

R3C = sama(R3,C,"C");
R2C = sama(R2,C,"C");
R1C = sama(R1,C,"C");
PC = sama(P,C,"C");
S3C = sama(S3,C,"C");
S2C = sama(S2,C,"C");
S1C = sama(S1,C,"C");

R3O = sama(R3,O,"O");
R2O = sama(R2,O,"O");
R1O = sama(R1,O,"O");
PO = sama(P,O,"O");
S3O = sama(S3,O,"O");
S2O = sama(S2,O,"O");
S1O = sama(S1,O,"O");

R3H = sama(R3,H,"H");
R2H = sama(R2,H,"H");
R1H = sama(R1,H,"H");
PH = sama(P,H,"H");
S3H = sama(S3,H,"H");
S2H = sama(S2,H,"H");
S1H = sama(S1,H,"H");

R3L = sama(R3,L,"L");
R2L = sama(R2,L,"L");
R1L = sama(R1,L,"L");
PL = sama(P,L,"L");
S3L = sama(S3,L,"L");
S2L = sama(S2,L,"L");
S1L = sama(S1,L,"L");

Title = 
"All-In-One Pivot Trading\n\n"+
"   "+Name()+
EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"   O "+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+"= "+O+
EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"   H "+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+"= "+H+
EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"   L "+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+"= "+L+
EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"   C "+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+"= "+C+
EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"   V "+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+"= "+ WriteVal(Volume/500,0)+ " lot"+
HR3+"\n"+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+"R3 = "+Ref(R3,-1)+ R3C+ 
EncodeColor(colorRed)+"\nR2 = "+ Ref(R2,-1)+R2C+ 
R2R1 +
EncodeColor(colorRed)+"\nR1 = "+Ref(R1,-1) +R1C+ 
EncodeColor(colorViolet)+"\nP    = "+ Ref(P,-1)+PC+
EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"\nS1 = "+ Ref(S1,-1)+S1C+
EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"\nS2 = "+ Ref(S2,-1)+S2C+ 
EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"\nS3 = "+ Ref(S3,-1)+S3C+S3L+
EncodeColor(colorRed)+"R3 besok = "+ R3 +
EncodeColor(colorRed)+"\nR2 besok = "+ R2 +
EncodeColor(colorRed)+"\nR1 besok = "+ R1 +
EncodeColor(colorViolet)+"\nP besok   = "+ P+ 
EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"\nS1 besok = "+ S1 +
EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"\nS2 besok = "+ S2 +
EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"\nS3 besok = "+ S3;
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