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swingDays = 0;
swingVol = 0;
ordVol = 0;
upswingSignal = 0;
downswingSignal = 0;
accumulatedVolume = 0;
accumulatedDays = 0;
arrayHasSignal = 0;
zigPercentage = Param("ZigZag Percent", 10, 2, 50);
trendZig = Zig(C, zigPercentage);
action = Status("action");
midPointY = 0;
midPointValue = 0;
peakVolumeExtremeDetectionDays = Param("Peak Vol. Days", 6, 1, 20); //3 days before and 3 days after a peak
daysBeforeAndAfterForPeakVolume = round(peakVolumeExtremeDetectionDays/2);
peakVolume = 0;
colorOrdVolume = ParamColor("Ord Vol. Info.", colorGrey50);
colorZig = ParamColor("ZigZag", colorGold);
colorPeakUp = ParamColor("Support Info.", colorGreen);
colorPeakDown = ParamColor("Resistance Info.", colorRed);
scalingFactor = 0.1;
function volumeInMillions(inVolume)
volInM = inVolume/1000000;
return NumToStr(volInM, 1.2, False) + " m";
function getPeakVolume(daysToCheck, nowDay)
returnPeakVolume = V[nowDay];
dayNumberBefore = (nowDay) - daysToCheck;
dayNumberAfter = (nowDay) + daysToCheck;
//find Max swing Volume
if( dayNumberBefore > 0 AND dayNumberAfter < BarCount )
returnPeakVolume = V[dayNumberBefore];
//_TRACE("Start returnPeakVolume = " + returnPeakVolume);
for( j = dayNumberBefore; j < dayNumberAfter; j++ )
if(returnPeakVolume < V[j])
returnPeakVolume = V[j];
//_TRACE("returnPeakVolume = " + returnPeakVolume);
else if( dayNumberBefore > 0 AND dayNumberAfter >= BarCount )
returnPeakVolume = V[dayNumberBefore];
//_TRACE("Start returnPeakVolume = " + returnPeakVolume);
for( j = dayNumberBefore; j < BarCount; j++ )
if(returnPeakVolume < V[j])
returnPeakVolume = V[j];
//_TRACE("returnPeakVolume = " + returnPeakVolume);
peakVolume = V[i-1];
return returnPeakVolume;
for( i = 3; i < BarCount; i++)
//initialize parameters
arrayHasSignal[i] = 0;
//Then we check which way the price goes
swingVol = swingVol + V[i-1];//Don't add today since price may have changed direction
swingDays = swingDays + 1;
if( (trendZig[i] < trendZig[i-1]) AND (trendZig[i-1] > trendZig[i-2]) AND i > 10 )//Changes from up swing to down swing
/*_TRACE("Changes from up swing to down swing, i = " + i);
_TRACE("trendZig[i-2] = " + trendZig[i-2]);
_TRACE("trendZig[i-1] = " + trendZig[i-1]);
_TRACE("trendZig[i] = " + trendZig[i]);*/
downswingSignal[i-1] = 0;
upswingSignal[i-1] = 1;
ordVol[i-1] = swingVol/swingDays;
accumulatedVolume[i-1] = swingVol;
accumulatedDays[i-1] = swingDays;
arrayHasSignal[i-1] = 1;
if(action == actionIndicator)
midPointValue = i - round(swingDays/2) - 1;
midPointY = trendZig[midPointValue];
peakVolume = getPeakVolume(daysBeforeAndAfterForPeakVolume, i - 1);
PlotText("(" + volumeInMillions(ordVol[i-1]) + ")", midPointValue, midPointY, colorOrdVolume);
PlotText(NumToStr(H[i-1], 1.1, False) + " (" + volumeInMillions(peakVolume) + ")", i-4, trendZig[i-1] * 1.02, colorPeakUp);
swingVol = 0;
swingDays = 0;
if( (trendZig[i] > trendZig[i-1]) AND (trendZig[i-1] < trendZig[i-2]) AND i > 10 )//Changes from down swing to up swing
downswingSignal[i-1] = 1;
upswingSignal[i-1] = 0;
ordVol[i-1] = swingVol/swingDays;
accumulatedVolume[i-1] = swingVol;
accumulatedDays[i-1] = swingDays;
arrayHasSignal[i-1] = 1;
if(action == actionIndicator)
midPointValue = i - round(swingDays/2) - 1;
midPointY = trendZig[midPointValue];
peakVolume = getPeakVolume(daysBeforeAndAfterForPeakVolume, i - 1);
PlotText("(" + volumeInMillions(ordVol[i-1]) + ")", midPointValue, midPointY, colorOrdVolume);
PlotText(NumToStr(L[i-1], 1.1, False) + " (" + volumeInMillions(peakVolume) + ")", i-4, trendZig[i-1] * 0.95, colorPeakDown);
swingVol = 0;
swingDays = 0;
if( i == BarCount - 1)//add last signal too
swingVol = swingVol + V[i];//Remember to add today also
swingDays = swingDays + 1;
if(trendZig[i] < trendZig[i-1])//is down swing
downswingSignal[i] = 1;
upswingSignal[i] = 0;
ordVol[i] = swingVol/swingDays;
accumulatedVolume[i] = swingVol;
accumulatedDays[i] = swingDays;
arrayHasSignal[i] = 1;
if(trendZig[i] > trendZig[i-1])//is up swing
downswingSignal[i] = 0;
upswingSignal[i] = 1;
ordVol[i] = swingVol/swingDays;
accumulatedVolume[i] = swingVol;
accumulatedDays[i] = swingDays;
arrayHasSignal[i] = 1;
if(action == actionIndicator)
midPointValue = i - round(swingDays/2) - 1;
midPointY = trendZig[midPointValue];
PlotText("(" + volumeInMillions(ordVol[i]) + ")", midPointValue, midPointY, colorOrdVolume);
if(action == actionExplore)
//Filter = 1;
Filter = arrayHasSignal;
//AddColumn(trendZig , "trendZig ", 1.2);
AddColumn(C, "Swing Up", 1.2, colorDefault, IIf(upswingSignal, colorPeakUp, colorDefault));
AddColumn(C, "Swing Down", 1.2, colorDefault, IIf(downswingSignal, colorPeakDown, colorDefault));
AddColumn(ordVol, "Ord Vol.", 1.0);
AddColumn(accumulatedDays, "Swing Days", 1.0);
AddColumn(accumulatedVolume, "Tot. Swing Vol.", 1.0);
else if(action == actionIndicator)
Plot(trendZig, "Ord Vol ZigZag", colorZig);
//Scale the axis so we can read the numbers
Plot(trendZig + (trendZig * scalingFactor), "", colorRed, styleNoDraw);
Plot(trendZig - (trendZig * scalingFactor), "", colorBlue, styleNoDraw);