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_SECTION_BEGIN("Color Specific Bars S/R");
//========== ===Method 2: Using Different BackgroundColors====== ========= =========
Title = EncodeColor( 4)+ _DEFAULT_NAME( )+"; "+EncodeColor( 1) +
StrFormat("{ {NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} ; {{DATE}}; O=%g, H=%g, L=%g, C=%g
{{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) );
DisplaySel=ParamToggle("Display" ,"Rel.Location (%)|Price",0) ;
UpperPrice=round( 10000*(LVVL+ 0.7*(HVVH- LVVL)))/10000; //Forex: Rounding to get rid of annoying 5th digit; NOT strictly necessary
LowerPrice=round( 10000*(LVVL+ 0.3*(HVVH- LVVL)))/10000; //Forex: Rounding toget rid of annoying 5th digit; NOT strictly necessary
UPPrice = Param("UpperBand- Price",UpperPrice,LVVL,HVVH, 0.0001);
DNPrice = Param("LowerBand- Price",LowerPrice,LVVL,HVVH, 0.0001);
UP1 = 100;
UP2 = Param("Upper Band-Bottom (%)",75,0,100, 1);
DN1 = Param("Lower Band-Top (%)",25,1,100, 1);
FillColorTop= ParamColor(" UB Fill Color",colorLightYellow);
FillColorBottom = ParamColor(" LB Fill Color",colorAqua) ;
FillColorBkGnd = ParamColor(" BkGnd Fill Color",colorTan) ;
Plot(C,"",1, 64);
Plot(50,"",6, ParamStyle(" Line
Style",styleLeftAxisScale|styleNoLabel+styleDashed ));
if(DisplaySel) //Adjust with Price
UP2= (UPPrice -LVVL)/(HVVH- LVVL)*100;
DN1= (DNPrice -LVVL)/(HVVH- LVVL)*100;
Plot(UPPrice ,"UpperBandPrice ",FillColorTop, 13);
Plot(DNPrice ,"LowerBandPrice ",FillColorBottom ,13);
PlotOHLC( UP1,UP1,50,UP1, "", FillColorTop, styleLeftAxisScale| styleNoLabel
|styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, DN1,UP2 );
PlotOHLC( DN2,DN2,50,DN2, "", FillColorBottom ,
styleLeftAxisScale| styleNoLabel |styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, DN1, UP2 );
if(!DisplaySel) //Adjust with Relative location (% of Total Visible range)
UPPrice = LVVL+UP2*(HVVH- LVVL)/100;
DNPrice = LVVL+DN1*(HVVH- LVVL)/100;
Plot(UPPrice ,"UpperBandPrice ",FillColorTop, 13);
Plot(DNPrice ,"LowerBandPrice ",FillColorBottom ,13);
PlotOHLC( UP1,UP1,50,UP1, "", FillColorTop, styleLeftAxisScale| styleNoLabel
|styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, DN1,UP2 );
PlotOHLC( DN2,DN2,50,DN2, "", FillColorBottom ,
styleLeftAxisScale| styleNoLabel |styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, DN1, UP2 );
SetChartBkColor( FillColorBkGnd );